Your first year of college should be an exciting time,
reasonably free from the stresses that tend to become more frequent as you near
your graduation date. This should be true whether you live off campus or in student housing in Peterborough. Students
in all types of living situation should expect to enjoy (at a minimum) all of
the following.
“Me Time”
in Your Room
Your bedroom or apartment should be a sanctuary — a place you
can come back to after a long day of classes and a spot where you can chill at
the weekends. You should never feel uncomfortable where you live. Heading off
to the library every time you want to study or seeking out other places when
you want to relax is a warning sign that something’s wrong.
at Home
It’s fun to head over to your friends’ dorms or apartments to
hang out, but your friends should feel equally welcome at your place. It’s
normal for one friend’s room to become the main hangout spot at college, but
you should still expect to entertain at your place at least sometimes.
Similarly, you should be able to bring your dates back to your room as often as
you go to theirs.
the Occasional Culinary Treat
When school starts feeling overwhelming, an easy way to take
the edge off your stress is with your favourite food. Unfortunately, this is
only possible if you know that your groceries are safe from stealing hands.
There should also be space in the kitchen for you to cook whenever you want,
with no need to clean up someone else’s mess, first.
Studying in
If you live on campus, it’s unreasonable to expect quiet all
the time. You’re going to hear noise coming from others’ rooms — people are
going to want to play music and talk on the phone, for instance. The problem is
when it’s in your own room and the noise is too loud for you to focus. College
should be about having fun, but it’s also essential to study hard if you’re
going to graduate. This means finding peace whenever you need it throughout your
first year.
If you’re missing out on any of the above, you may have a
roommate problem. It’s time to start looking for apartments to rent in Peterborough, Ontario. Those students
should check out Severn Court Student Residence. You’ll have your own space,
but you’ll also be able to continue the college experience by living around
other students.